John Lewis
The author of the most comprehensible biography of Andrew Taylor Still “From the dry bone to the living man”. In John’s own words: I was born in Carmarthen, Wales. Our family owned a woollen business, Derw Mills, Pentrecwrt, manufacturing woven cloth, blankets and Welsh tapestry bedspreads. I was the eldest son, the fourth generation in the family business and, although I would really have preferred to study medicine, studied Textile Process Engineering at Leeds University and received a postgraduate
diploma in Textile Design from the Scottish College of Textiles, Galashiels. When the business went into liquidation in the mid-1980s I was forced to change tack. I had been competing in track and field athletics for Carmarthen Harriers and then Edinburgh Southern Harriers, and represented Wales in both long and triple jumps. In Edinburgh, when I suffered injuries, I received massage and other treatments from John Gladwin in Morningside. He sensed my interest in his work and encouraged me to take a course in massage from the Northern Institute of Massage, Blackpool.
Once qualified I worked as a masseur at Enton Hall, an old-fashioned ‘health farm’ in Surrey. There I met osteopath David Cook, who practised in nearby Godalming and came to treat the guests one day
a week. I took a few treatments, experienced my first session of cranial osteopathy, and decided I
wanted to become an osteopath myself.I entered the British School of Osteopathy in 1991. During my first year I read Dr Still’s Autobiography and was struck both by the wisdom contained in his words and by the fact that what we were being taught differed so much from what he intended. In 1997, two years after graduating, I traveled to the United States to begin the research that eventually culminated, fifteen years later, in my book.
When I arrived in Kirksville I was extremely fortunate to meet Dr James J. McGovern, who had just
been appointed president of Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. McGovern took an
interest in my project and, through his patronage, KCOM funded and supported my research from
1999 to 2002. Once employed by the college I was placed under the charge of the Still National
Osteopathic Museum (now the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine) and given unlimited access to the
archive collections.
My research into Still’s writings led to one insight after another, the most profound of which was that
osteopathy is primarily – even before a system of manual medicine – a philosophy. This further led
me to realize that osteopathy as currently taught is not only guided by a different philosophy but is
also a pale shadow of what Still intended.
In writing my book I strove to bring out Still’s pure teachings, without compromise, and to show that
when you understand those teachings you learn why they do not date, for osteopathy is another
word for nature, and nature’s laws are unchanging. Why this is important for finding health is a long
argument, one I have interwoven into Still’s story.
A. T. Still: From the Dry Bone to the Living Man is a biography of osteopathy’s founder. It explains
how his science grew from a biological explanation for the origin of disease, based on the cutting
edge medical science of the day, and how from it grew a system of treatment. The book is perfused
by Still’s philosophy and written is a style that aims to inspire a revival of his teachings. Those
teachings are timeless and they should form the basis of every osteopathic curriculum.
Hilary M. Clayton
Dr. Hilary M. Clayton is a veterinarian, researcher and trainer. For the past 45 years she has performed innovative research in the areas of equine biomechanics, lameness, rehabilitation, athletic conditioning, and the interaction between rider, tack and horse. She has published 7 books and numerous papers in scientific journals and articles in equestrian publications on these topics. Since retiring from academia in 2014, she has continued to perform collaborative research with colleagues from around the world and to provide educational opportunities for scientists and equestrians. Her goal is to make scientific advances in veterinary care and sport horse training and management accessible to equine professionals so that they can use the information in their daily practice. Dr. Clayton is a charter diplomate and past president of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. She is an Honorary Fellow of the International Society for Equitation Science and has been inducted into the Roemer Foundation/USDF Hall of Fame, the International Equine Veterinarians Hall of Fame, the Midwest Dressage Association Hall of Fame and the Saskatoon Sports Hall of Fame. She is a lifelong rider and has competed in many equestrian sports currently focusing on dressage.
Dott. Giusva Gregori
MSc Public Health, MSc Psychology, BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, BSc (Hons) Osteopathy, BSc (Hons),
Diploma of Animal OsteopathyPsychology, Diploma of Naprapathy, Expert in Chiropractic, Diploma of
Posturology, Mental Coach Master Pratictioner
Owner&Founder EDUCAM Complementary & Alternative Medicine Education – Training, Internship and Professional Start-up in Traditional and Complementary Medicines Owner & Founder Mondo Wellness who deals with training, development and improvement, through
courses, internships, seminars, masters and other similar initiatives, of qualified operators in the
medical-health, sports and complementary medicine sectors.
Owner&Founder EDULAZIO professional training in health, wellness and beauty Coordinator of Bachelor Science (Hons) Physiotherapy and Bachelor Science (Hons) Animal Osteopathy of ASOMI College of Sciences Higher Education Institution based in Malta accredited by the MFHEA – Malta Further Higher Education Authority with License 2020-009. Auxiliary professor at the University of Ostrava – Physiotherapy – Italian Delegation of Rome Didactic Manager of The Shoulder training project Didactic Manager of Fight Clinic Academy training project Yamamoto Academy scientific and technical educator and member. Numerous collaborations with private and public universities, public or private entities, training institutions for training initiatives, such as degrees, masters, specialization courses and advanced training courses Speaker and Coordinator of masters, seminars and professionalization courses in the field of scientific areas Organizer and speaker at various national and international congresses Author of scientific and educational texts Management and start-up of centers used for activities related to medicine in general, including physiotherapy services, auxiliary arts of the health professions as well as the aesthetic and wellness sector.
Julia Brooks
MSc DO (Hons)
Qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 1983, joining Anthony Pusey in a practice that encompassed both human and animal osteopathy. She has lectured nationally and internationally at postgraduate level and has been involved in Masters programs and postgraduate diplomas in both the development stages and as an external examiner for the University of Wales. She has published research papers and co-authored books on the subject of osteopathy for animals, including publication of Osteopathy and the Treatment of Horses.
Paolo Tozzi
Head of Academics, A.C.S. Malta
Osteopath, MSc Ost, BSc (Hons) Ost, DO
Physiotherapist, TSRM member
Posturologist, Reiki Master
Doctorat en Osteopathie and Posturologie at the International Association Jean Monnet, amongst the European University Foundation of Bruxelles (Belgium); Master Science in Osteopathy at the Dresda University (Germany); Bachelor Science Honours Degree in Osteopathy, D.O. at the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone (UK); Degree in Physiotherapy at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy); I, II, Master Level Reiki Diplome at the Sri Papaji Centre, Rome (Italy); Participation to various post-graduate courses on osteopathic care of small animals and horses (UK).
Head of Academics of the ASOMI College of Sciences in Malta; Honorary Tutor in College of Human and Health Sciences for the Swansea University (UK); Former Viceprincipal of the Italian Association of Posturologists (A.I.R.O.P.); Former Treasurer of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (Os.E.A.N.); Former Viceprincipal of the School of Osteopathy CROMON of Rome; Founder of the First Italian School of Veterinary Osteopathy, Rome; Executive director of the first Italian congress of osteopathy in animal practice, www.congressodiosteopatia.it
Since 2008, working experience as osteopath at different veterinary rehabilitation centers in Rome, including the veterinary clinic of the Zoological Park of Rome, for the preventive care and treatment of domesticated and wild animals; In 2009, participation to the 1st Osteopathic wildlife workshop, held at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Tsavo Park, Kenya, organized by Zoo Ost Ltd; In 2008, organizer and lecturer of the First Italian course in osteopathy applied to animals, accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education (ECM 8015305).
Member of the S.O.A.P. - Society for Osteopaths in Animal Practice; Member of the Fascia Science and Clinical Applications Advisory Board of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies; Reviewer for Handspring Publishing (UK); Former reviewer for the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.
Lecturer of biomechanics and manual therapy in different universities in Rome; Lecturer of various post-graduate courses on osteopathic subjects in Italy, Europe and overseas; Speaker in various national and international congresses of osteopathic medicine and manual therapy (included the International Fascia Research Congress); Author of various articles on fascia and fascia research; co-editor and co-author of the book Animal Osteopathy: a comprehensive guide to the osteopathic treatment of animals and birds, published by Handspring Publishing, UK; Animal Osteopathy | Singing Dragon - UK
Natacha Berthon
Animal Osteopath, Graduated from ESAO Ltd (UK)
General Director at European School of Animal Osteopathy/ESAO France
Following her studies in the UK, she joins the first European School of Animal Osteopathy, from which she graduated, in 2003 as a lecturer. Side by side with Jean-Yves Girard, a pioneer in animal osteopathy, she self-developed and gained a solid experience. Engaged at several levels on the various ESAO European campuses, she becomes director of the Swiss campus in 2008, of the UK campus in 2011 and becomes General Assistant Director of ESAO France. She then becomes General Director in 2022.
In parallel, and for nearly 20 years, Natacha Berthon practiced as an animal osteopath in France and internationally. Natacha also volunteers at the Vervet Monkey Foundation in South Africa since 2016.
Lieselotte Nonneman
Hey! I’m Lieselotte Nonneman. I’m born and raised in Bruges (Belgium). Graduated in the summer of 2008 as a veterinarian (specialisation in the equine branch) at the university of Gent. As most freshly graduated veterinarians, I swore that with this diploma in hand I was finally done studying! Happily starting my first job as a practitioner. Within the first month of working I subscribed myself for the first year of introduction to acupuncture in Antwerp and for equine osteopathy at The Vluggen Institute. Certified in 2010 as an Equine Osteopath EDO®, followed by canine osteopathy in 2011. So far my long break on studying…
From 2008 till 2015 I have been working as a veterinarian in first line equine, bovine, and small animal medicine also equine orthopaedics in different countries.
2012 opened a whole new perspective on veterinary imaging and treatments combined with osteopathy during equine osteopathy sessions with Janek Vluggen. Ever since I like to say that this symbiosis has tremendously developed my work as a veterinarian.
In 2015 I have settled down a bit by buying veterinary practice in the champagne region in France. We still practice mostly first line veterinary medicine on small animals, horses and small ruminants. And of course osteopathy!
In my holidays I work with Janek Vluggen on horses or come in as a teacher in the European school of the Vluggen Institute.
During the conference, I’ll be speaking about how and why we take the X-rays of the OAA-complex.
Clayton Wilber
Clayton has been around horses his entire life. He started riding at an early age and followed that with competing in rodeos. His love for the sport grew and out of necessity he learned to shoe his horses to be able to keep them sound while competing. Being an avid horseman afforded him the ability to understand all of the variables it took to keep a horse sound and performing at its maximum potential. Fast forward several years, lots of hard work, determination and passion for the industry has culminated into the desire to help every horse be as happy, healthy and sound as possible by starting with their feet. Clayton's knowledge and experience in the field allows him to successfully diagnose and treat even the most serious cases. He believes to keep a horse sound it must be a team effort between the farrier, owner and the other equine professionals involved in its care. Clayton is the owner of Florida Farrier Service, Inc and operates a clinic and multi-farrier practice from his home just south of Ocala, Florida.
Tony Nevin
Providing expert osteopathic treatment for people of all ages. Pioneers in the osteopathic treatment of Animals and Birds. Lecturer, Speaker, Broadcaster, Writer
More than 30 years clinical experience. IAAT Steering Committee Member
Animal Health Awards winner 2016 – Best in Specialist Osteopathic Care. Animal Health Awards winner 2017 – Best Equine Osteopathy Practice – UK
Blogger on Medium as Tony Nevin
'You may be interested to read my book Animal Osteopathy - a comprehensive guide to the osteopathic treatment of animals and birds available from www.handspringpublishing.com Click here to order.'
Tony Nevin has a BSc (hons) Ost in Osteopathy and a Diploma in Osteopathy (DO). He trained in the UK and works in both human and animal osteopathy clinics. He is the CEO of Zoo Ost Ltd, and its subsidiaries Horse Ost and Tony Nevin Osteopaths. Based in the UK, Tony runs clinics treating humans, horses, dogs, exotics and wildlife. He has pioneered many facets of animal osteopathy including successful treatment of megafauna such as elephant, rhino, giraffe, great apes, and big cats.
He regularly lectures in the UK, and internationally and has been associated with IFOA and ISAO for many years. He also organises and runs bespoke elephant osteopathy workshops, and is a Patron and Trustee of Vale Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, UK. To date he has treated more than 300 different species of animals.
He is lead author and editor of “Animal Osteopathy – a comprehensive guide to the osteopathic treatment of animals and birds” published by Handspring (now Jessica Kingsley) Publishers, UK.